
Unveiling The Mystery of El Dorado: The Lost City of Gold 

Reading time: 7 minutes
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El Dorado, a term steeped in mystery and allure, has captivated imaginations for centuries. This legendary city, rumored to be overflowing with gold, symbolizes the ultimate quest for wealth and adventure. Despite its mythical status, El Dorado’s influence extends far beyond mere folklore, deeply impacting culture, art, and the history of exploration. Today, the legend continues to inspire, serving as a metaphor for the unattainable and the extraordinary in our quest for discovery.

Where is El Dorado located?

El Dorado, often associated with the legend of a city, kingdom, or empire of gold, is believed to have been located somewhere in the Americas. The exact location is disputed across various sources, but it’s often said to be in South America.

Many explorers and conquistadors were led on fruitless treks into the rainforests and mountains of South America in search of this lost city of gold. However, despite the numerous expeditions, the actual existence of El Dorado remains a myth. As some sources suggest, the city of gold might never have existed.


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Why is El Dorado called the Lost City of Gold?

The term “El Dorado” translates to “the gilded one” or “the golden one” in Spanish. The legend of El Dorado originated from the Muisca people, an indigenous tribe in what is now Colombia. When a new chief was appointed, he would be covered in gold dust during a ceremony and dive into Lake Guatavita, washing off the gold in the process.

Spanish Conquistadors, upon hearing these tales from the natives, believed there was a place abundant in gold and precious stones and began referring to it as El Dorado. Over time, the term evolved from referring to a man (the gilded one) to a city and then to a kingdom or an empire.

The Importance of Gold

In the cultural period before the Spanish Conquest, known as the Pre-Columbian era, gold was primarily used to affirm and enhance the status of the elite. In Colombian societies, for example, although gold was not used as currency, it had significant symbolic meaning, serving as a way for the elite to assert their rank publicly.

Moreover, gold was also used extensively in pre-Columbian art. Many objects made of gold were discovered during the sixteenth century, but most works were unfortunately melted down into ingots. Goldwork was a common practice among Brazilian and other South American cultures, where the earliest use of gold might have been to adorn the body with nuggets gathered from streams.

Therefore, gold was a symbol of power and prestige in pre-Columbian societies and a material that reflected their advanced metallurgical skills.

The Impact of El Dorado, the City of Gold & the Golden Man

The Europeans’ insatiable quest for wealth and discovery influenced this transition from a golden man to a city of gold. The European myth of El Dorado as a lost city of gold waiting to be discovered encapsulates their endless search for riches in the New World.

However, despite numerous expeditions, the actual existence of El Dorado remains a mystery. Today, El Dorado is often used as a metaphor for an unattainable quest.
It is also a mainstay theme of all sorts in artistic projects. El Dorado has inspired countless writers, movie directors, musicians, and game designers.

Magdalena River And Mompox, Colombia. El Dorado Path

El Dorado in Culture and Literature

El Dorado has significantly influenced popular culture, featuring prominently in films and books. It often serves as a symbol of an unattainable quest or a place of unimaginable wealth. From animated films like “The Road to El Dorado” to adventure novels, this enduring legend has captured the imagination of audiences across the globe.

The legend of El Dorado has sparked the imagination of audiences, influencing popular culture significantly. It has been featured in various forms of media, from books and films to video games and music, often symbolizing an unattainable quest or unimaginable wealth.


El Dorado has been the subject of numerous films across different genres. The animated movie The Road to El Dorado by DreamWorks Animation is a notable example. Released in 2000, the movie tells the story of two swindlers who find a map of the fabled city of gold (City of El Dorado). Their journey is filled with adventure, humor, and lessons about friendship and greed.


El Dorado has also found its way into literature. In Voltaire’s philosophical novel “Candide,” El Dorado is depicted as a utopian paradise that contrasts sharply with the world’s corruption and cruelty.

In Clive Cussler’s adventure novel “Inca Gold,” the protagonists search for a legendary lost Incan treasure that could lead them to El Dorado.

Video Games:

Video games are another medium where the El Dorado myth has left its mark. In “Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune,” players search for the fabled treasure of El Dorado.


Even music has yet to be immune to the allure of El Dorado. For example, British heavy metal band Iron Maiden has a song titled “El Dorado” on their album “The Final Frontier.”
Through these cultural references, El Dorado continues to captivate people worldwide, symbolizing the desire for wealth, discovery, and the allure of the unknown.

Artists In Mompox, Colombia

El Dorado: A Tale Told in Goldwork

In this section, we’ll briefly circle back to the origin of the name El Dorado and its relation to the Muisca people. Why? Because it touches on something rather significant in Colombia—the country’s impressive array of goldwork.

The Muisca were, in fact, expert goldsmiths capable of creating sophisticated pieces of jewelry and ceremonial objects made from gold and copper (or sometimes even a mix of these two, known in Spanish as tumbaga). Gold was valued for its spiritual properties, not just for the Muisca but for other pre-Columbian tribes as well. Consequently, this alluringly shiny element was regarded as a symbol of spiritual energy, power, and a connection to the divine rather than a symbol of material richness.

While the busted myth of El Dorado may be nothing more than (golden) dust in the wind at this point, the incredible amount of goldwork created by indigenous tribes that existed during the pre-Columbian era remains safeguarded in some of Colombia’s most celebrated museums.

Additionally, the goldwork still being created today in places such as Mompox—a UNESCO World Heritage Center that served as a gold deposit during Colombia’s colonial period—provides fascinating examples of Colombia’s unique cultural and artisanal expertise in this trade. Not to mention, the quality and techniques used to craft these art pieces are among the most exceptional in the world.

As a result of decades—or sometimes even century-long—techniques that have been handed down from generation to generation through rigorous training, the modern-day goldwork in Colombia remains unparalleled. Gold filigree work, complete with minutiae details and designs, never fails to astonish visitors worldwide. Oftentimes, these designs and details reflect the country’s iconic flora, fauna, and/or landscapes.

While some workshops have incorporated more mechanical means of producing their wares, most still undertake their goldwork entirely by hand. In some cases, certain pieces and filigree work can take months to produce when done this way.

It’s no small wonder that a trip to check out a goldwork point of interest in Colombia, such as Mompox, is an absolute must!

Goldsmithing In Mompox, Colombia

A New Idea: Colombia’s Treasure Trove of Experiences

Colombia’s Real Treasures

Colombia, the land once associated with the mythical El Dorado, holds many experiences far more valuable than gold. From the vibrant Caribbean coast to the rhythmic flow of its rivers and timeless traditional villages, Colombia is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be explored.
The Caribbean Like You’ve Never Seen It

Colombia’s Caribbean coast uniquely blends cultures, colors, and flavors. The turquoise waters meet white sandy beaches, and colonial architecture stands alongside vibrant street art. Cities like Cartagena enchant visitors with their rich history and colorful charm, while the pristine beaches of San Andres and Providencia offer a tranquil escape. Diving enthusiasts can explore the mesmerizing coral reefs, and foodies can indulge in the region’s delicious seafood and Afro-Caribbean cuisine.

River Charms and Rhythms

Colombia’s rivers are more than just waterways; they are the pulsating veins of the country, carrying its life, culture, and history. From the mighty Amazon to the majestic Magdalena, these rivers are a testament to Colombia’s rich biodiversity and vibrant cultural tapestry.

The Rhythms of Cumbia and Vallenato

Cumbia and vallenato, born on the banks of the Magdalena River, are music genres synonymous with Colombian culture. With its African, Indigenous, and Spanish influences, Cumbia combines energetic rhythms with captivating melodies. It’s a dance-filled celebration of Colombia’s multicultural heritage.

Vallenato, another popular genre, tells stories of love, legends, and daily life through music. Its roots lie in the oral tradition of the local farmers and fishermen who used songs to communicate across the vast plains and river valleys.

Experience the Wildlife and Tropical Landscapes

A river cruise on the Magdalena offers an intimate encounter with Colombia’s diverse flora and fauna. The Magdalena River is home to an array of bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. It’s also one of Colombia’s cultural hotspots, where Colombia met the Caribbean and the rest of the world.

Indigenous Cultures and Riverside Communities

The rivers also serve as a lifeline for numerous indigenous and riverside communities. These communities have maintained their traditional ways of life, coexisting harmoniously with nature. A visit here offers a glimpse into their unique cultures, traditions, and knowledge of the environment.
In conclusion, Colombia’s rivers are not just geographical features but the lifeblood of the country’s vibrant culture and diverse ecosystems. A journey along these rivers is a journey into the heart and soul of Colombia.

A World Stuck in Time: Mompox

In Colombia, time slows down. This is especially true in places like Mompox, where colonial-era cobblestone streets and whitewashed buildings give the feeling of being transported back in time. A place like Mompox offers a peaceful retreat from modern life with its artisan workshops, local gastronomy, and surrounding nature trails.

Mompox, Colombia

Colombia’s Heart and Soul: The True Treasure

Above all, Colombia’s true treasure lies in its people. Known for their warmth, resilience, and passion for life, Colombians embody the country’s heart and soul. Whether you’re experiencing the lively atmosphere of a local festival, learning about indigenous traditions, or simply chatting with a friendly street vendor, it’s the people who make a trip to Colombia unforgettable.
In summary, while the legend of El Dorado may continue to fascinate, Colombia’s true wealth lies in its diverse landscapes, vibrant cultures, and the heartfelt hospitality of its people. In the end, there’s no gold greater than experiencing Colombia firsthand.

Javier Garcia

Eduardo Silva

Carolina Escobar


Javier Garcia

Eduardo Silva

Carolina Escobar

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Updated:March 7, 2024

Published:November 29, 2023